Massage Routines
There are many massage routines and massage techniques that a massage therapist can perform on a client, depending on the client's reason for the massage and his/her health condition. I am including some sample massage routines so that you, as a new massage therapist, will have an idea of what types of strokes you will use and in what order as you give various massages. You will have knowledge of basic routines for various situations. Keep in mind that you will learn many routines in massage school. Feel free to add to any of these routines as you practice on your friends, family, and clients. Before you can give a massage, it is important for you to learn about proper body mechanics. Most of the clients coming to you will ask for a relaxation massage, at least at first. If your client is pregnant, it is important to know how to give a good pregnancy massage to her. And once she has had the baby, your client may want to know about baby massage, which h...
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